2 red forward slashes


3 red forward slashes

Where is my banner?

When you placed your order, you should have received a confirmation email or text message (depending on which you inputted). On this email, you’ll find a tracking link, whether it be for USPS, UPS, or DHL. Once your banner is under packaging and shipping, this link will update to show when your banner is expected to arrive! If the link still hasn’t updated, please check our ORDER STATUS page to check your order status!

What size are the banners?

The product dimensions are 18 inches x 42 inches.

Where do you ship the banners to?

We currently only ship to the United States and Canada. Once COVID-19 restrictions ease down, we’ll resume international shipping.

How long do products take to ship?

On average, banners take 5-6 weeks from the day you order to the shipping day. We complete our process on a biweekly cycle to lower costs and make banners cheaper for our customers! For example, if you order on Feburary 1st, production won’t begin until around February 14th. Production will take approximately two weeks, so you can expect to receive your banner in March. Please take note of this since we cannot cancel orders once they’ve entered production. If you are ordering this as a gift, please plan accordingly. Again, we CANNOT cancel orders or offer refunds once banners enter production. Thank you for understanding!

Will you ever sell in-game banners?

Unfortunately, due to copyright, we cannot sell in-game banners. If you’re looking for an agent that isn’t featured on our page, we’re currently creating designs for Fade, Chamber, KAY/O, and Breach, so please stay tuned!

I ordered the wrong specification...

No worries! Head down to the contact form below this box and send us a message with your name, email, order number, and what you need changed! If you input the wrong address, please let us know in this section so that we can send your banner to the right location!

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